There are times when our team has looked at each other while sitting at our desks to say, “Today is a Veggie Grill kind of day.” Whether it is the combination of comfort food made healthy and modern with a bit of SoCal fusion or the fact that anyone with any dietary restriction or conviction can find something on the menu to satisfy, we’re all hooked. “Everything here is plant-based,” I reminded a friend on a recent trip to Veggie Grill. Anything that says chicken isn’t chicken and anything that says burger—well, let’s just say it might not grow on a tree, but did grow directly from the soil in one way or another. You’ll have to remind yourself of this again when you try one of the innovative items on the menu at all 28 Veggie Grill locations: the VG Beyond Burger.
The flavor palette of the Beyond Burger may be familiar to many of us. The patty is served on a sesame seed bun with tomato, lettuce, a signature sauce (reminiscent of some other special sauces we may know), and even melted American veggie cheese. The burger itself is made by SoCal-based Beyond Meat, a company focused on making 100% plant-based items that are even found in the meat aisle to offer alternatives. The base of the soy-and-wheat free burgers is pea protein. One of the reasons this particular burger has become famous is the red juice that stains the sesame seed bun. It’s not what you might think; this is from the beets, an ingredient that even allows the burger to change color as it cooks. According to Veggie Grill CEO Steve Heeley, “This new burger blows away perceptions of what veggie food can be.” Ethan Brown, CEO and founder of Beyond Meat says, “Our goal is to bring The Beyond Burger—and the benefits of plant-based protein – to as many people as possible.” For those craving a plant-based version of what has become a modern American classic, or for people who want to convince skeptical friends, try ordering a VG Beyond Burger.
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